When you’re satisfied and have everything you need, it’s easy to forget the fact that other people struggle to get just what is enough for them, but there’s a great inequality in our world.
Other people in other places, especially in developing countries struggle with many problems. These include a lack of basic things such as food, education, medicine, clean water, clothing, housing, and many other things.
Children from the village watch as the drilling rig drills for fresh, clean, disease free water!
By coming together we can make a difference and bring relief to these people. We are sponsoring orphan children in Uganda, digging wells for clean water, and doing all we can to help reduce the problem with hunger in rural Uganda and Guatemala.
Here at Amigos, we are currently rallying the world for support and aid to people in some of the world’s most affected communities. There are many children facing staggering challenges in most parts of Sub-Saharan Africa, some parts of Asia, Latin America, and many other places.
Hunger is a complex issue
No one can thrive on an empty stomach.
This monster problem is a complex one. It respects no place, no, and touches many communities in the world. Along with adults, many children and infants go for days in Africa, Asia, Latin America, malnourished, and on many day are having to live on empty stomachs.
When you consider that this will greatly stunt their growth and development, affect their cognitive ability, and their physical and mental health as well, then you’ll understand how big of a problem this can actually be.
Working Together to Fight Hunger
But we can do our best to save the world from hunger.
With God by our side, and with the support of caring hearts, we can make a difference and put a smile on the faces of hungry people around the world. And because we can only take one step at a time, we are starting from Uganda and Guatemala, two of the worst affected areas around the world.
Amigos has always been about making the world a better place that works for people, even those who may have been put at a disadvantage due to political and economic reasons.
Since 1967, we have made it our objective to ensure the provision of basic human needs for people in global disasters and crisis situations. We have come a long way since then.
Guide moms show local village moms how to fix their soup with a variety
Our soup from USAID is helping hundreds of homeless in the dump in Puerto Barrios, Guatemala
Amigos have served different people groups in 21 different countries around the world.
Our mission to end the world’s hunger problem has seen us feeding about 21,000 children each day in orphanages around the world. On an average, we provide about 7,500,000 million meals every year for people in need.
We are looking to God and His people to help us do more. With your help and support, we’ll be able to extend our reach and break new grounds.

Every penny that goes into our donation ends up helping a real person facing a big challenge. So you know that your kind gesture will go a long way to make the world a better place. You can find us at
Thank you for your help!
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Amigos Internacionales, Inc
100 Kings Plaza, Ste. J
PO Box 722
Commerce, TX. 75428
Uganda Address:
P. O. Box 569
Gulu, Uganda
Tanzania Address:
P. O. Box 540
Chibe - Shayanga, Tanzania
Help Us Feed over 7 Million Meals This Year To Needy Children and Expectant Moms in Central America!
All gifts are tax deductible and any contributions totaling more than $500 will receive a statement of giving at the beginning of the next year.
We are a fully compliant 501(c)3 corporation with the state of Texas and the Federal Government.
All Rights Reserved | Amigos Internacionales, Inc.