A man with glasses and a red tie is wearing a suit and tie.

+1 903 467 8809

P.O. Box 396

Frost, TX 76641


"Dr. John” was born, raised, and educated in Texas, except for his Doctorate, which he received in San Francisco, CA. He is the author of “Walking with God in Broken Places and Lessons I Learned Along the Way”, which tells the story of disaster relief and how God answers prayer in crises. His second book, Divorcing? Remember Me! tells his story of the effects of divorce on him as a young child and what it took to overcome it so that he could walk with God in those broken places. It also tells the story of how he and his wife, both from broken homes, were able to put together a marriage that has lasted 66 years until she passed two years ago. The book covers what God taught him about dating, courtship, and marriage. It is full of helpful hints on how to have a happy marriage. It contains both heartbreak and humor.

A man is wearing a red cross badge and a patch.

Check out Dr. John's blogs and podcasts:

Dr. John and his family have traveled the world helping people in disasters for the last 60-plus years. He and his late wife, “Dr. L.”, have two children, John LaNoue, Jr. MD, a pediatric surgeon, and Lydia LaNoue Slinkard (Mrs. Todd Slinkard), a housewife and mother of two girls: Rebecca and Laura, in Atlanta. He has been a pastor, college minister, a denominational worker with the Baptist General Convention of Texas and Lifeway Christian Resources.

Dr. John has received commendations from around the world,
including George Bush and dignitaries from North Korea, that refer to him as “Halabaji” (Grandfather) John. As the modern-day “father of disaster relief,” he designed and built the first mobile kitchen in the back of an 18-wheeler container. There are now more than 1100 units nationwide with almost 100,00 trained volunteers to work them. Due to his work with disaster relief, and his strong faith, many have called him “Indiana Jones with a Bible and a skillet.”

You can find out more by calling Dr. John La Noue 903-467-8809 or emailing Dr. John at: drjlanoue@aol.com. 

A logo for friends helping friends around the globe

Want a book from Dr. John?   send him an email and we can get you one! drjlanoue@aol.com

or click on picture to purchase on Amazon!

A book titled walking with god in broken places
A book titled divorcing remember me has a picture of two children holding hands

Click on picture to purchase on Amazon!

Former President George Bush saying "Job well done!"

A black and white letter with a signature on it
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