An advertisement for a 3 day medical camp in northern uganda

Impact Levels:

- $25:  Provides medical supplies for one patient

- $50:  Cover full medical consultation for a person

- $100 Supports specialists clinic services

- $250 Enables free Cancer Screenings for multiple people

- $500 Supports an entire family's medical and dental care

Each Medical Camp cost Amigos $30,000 for supplies, food and housing for the visiting doctors, your donations are critical to continue this ministry.

Donate Now!
Dr. Paul Mulyamboga, standing next to a doctors on mission international sign

Meet Dr. Paul Mulyamboga

I am Paul Mulyamboga, a medical officer at Holy Innocents Children's Hospital in Mbarara, South western Uganda and the team leader of Doctors on mission International an NGO working with vulnerable communities through medical missions, nutritional rehabilitation, Children's Surgeries , satellite medical facility and humanitarian relief. 

We are humbled to partner with you and to serve more communities

You can learn more about their mission at

Poster for our 3 day Medical Camp
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