In the New Testament, prayer is central to everything that happens. Jesus prayed before each event in His life; from the selection of His disciples to the time of His crucifixion. All of Paul’s letters speak of his prayers for the recipients before he delivers his message to them.
My prayer life has been a series of developmental steps.
Let me explain: my earliest prayer experience was when I was told at bedtime, “Say your prayers” , as my mother knelt with me beside my bed. She would coax me to pray by categories: “John, what do you want to thank God for?”, then, “who do you want God to bless?”. My response ran from my parents to the cat with the sore tail!
Shortly after my sixteenth birthday, I trusted Christ as my savior! In my development as a new Christian, prayer became a duty. I developed a prayer list and a scheduled time to pray. I wanted to please God and seek His response.
As my life in Christ transformed my understanding of the All Mighty Father God. Praying as a duty gave way to the realization prayer is a divine privilege!
To realize the Almighty God would care enough about me to desire my communication with Him, was an awesome realization! What a privilege it is to pray!
But the Scriptures tell us to pray without ceasing. How could I do that and still fulfill my obligations to my work and my family?
Then it hit me! Before the fall of Adam in Genesis, God came and walked with him in the Garden of Eden…Fellowship! That God desires our fellowship in addition to our worship and praise!
I realized I needed to practice the realization that He is present, He is with me all the time. He is like the atmosphere around me and in me. I live in, and breathe in him continually!
He is interested in everything that concerns me, the minuscule as well as the mighty; the major and the minor things as well! There is a time every day when I come into His presence, presenting my praise, worshiping Him, confessing to Him, and experiencing the overwhelming love He expresses to me! But, when I say “Amen,” it is a comma, not a period to my prayer. Because I am in conversation with Him all day long!
My prayer life has moved from being a duty, to being a privilege, to being a PASSION! OH, What a Mighty GOD we serve!
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