I’ve always believed that as God leads, he feeds…
One of the most important and inspiring statements I have ever heard came from my mentor and friend, our former President, Dr. John La Noue. He told me one day, “When God brings something to you, hold it in your hand loosely, NEVER hold it in your heart, just in case God wants to give it to someone else to be used in His Kingdom.”
Wow! In a world today that seems to believe that “He who dies with the most toys…WINS!” how can you weigh the two completely opposite viewpoints? I found the following verses and believe it now to be my calling with Amigos. It’s found in my “new-est” favorite book, Deuteronomy 15…

7 “If among you, one of your brothers should become poor, in any of your towns within your land that the Lord your God is giving you, you shall not harden your heart or shut your hand against your poor brother, 8 but you shall open your hand to him and lend him sufficient for his need, whatever it may be. 10 You shall give to him freely, and your heart shall not be grudging when you give to him, because for this the Lord your God will bless you in all your work and in all that you undertake.
Deuteronomy 15:7,8, 10
Wow! In a world today that seems to believe that “He who dies with the most toys…WINS!” how can you weigh the two completely opposite viewpoints? I found the following verses and believe it now to be my calling with Amigos. It’s found in my “new-est” favorite book, Deuteronomy 15…
I particularly like verse 8, “open your hand and lend him sufficient for his need…” a beautiful depiction of God’s call to Amigos Internacionales…open our hand and allow the God who filled it to empty in out to those that need it more…
Exciting news to begin our new Amigos… our next generation… Amigos, which ultimately is the same Amigos that began in 1979… doing what God has asked us to do which is 1) Do what Jesus did, 2) Meet needs where they are, 3) Share Jesus wherever we go to whoever we meet.
So… Join us as we seek to follow God’s lead!
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Amigos Internacionales, Inc
100 Kings Plaza, Ste. J
PO Box 722
Commerce, TX. 75428
Uganda Address:
P. O. Box 569
Gulu, Uganda
Tanzania Address:
P. O. Box 540
Chibe - Shayanga, Tanzania
Help Us Feed over 7 Million Meals This Year To Needy Children and Expectant Moms in Central America!
All gifts are tax deductible and any contributions totaling more than $500 will receive a statement of giving at the beginning of the next year.
We are a fully compliant 501(c)3 corporation with the state of Texas and the Federal Government.
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