Building Sustainable Communities in Rural African Countries

Amigos and our generous donors are working together to create sustainable communities for South Sudanese refugees and local villagers in Northern Uganda. United in our mission, we are spearheading efforts to establish communities grounded in faith and restoration across numerous rural regions of Africa, where the opportunity to share God's love with the native population is often scarce.

Join us in the journey to save lives for Christ.

Our goal is to drill a new African water well, establish a new church, build a school and develop the entire local community for the underprivileged children and disadvantaged families in rural villages in Africa.

Help us create GENERATIONAL change today!
See Stories of Impact

Urgent:  We need to drill a Water Well

A blue and yellow logo for mission point

It's NOT about a water well...

"...I come to give you living water..." 

                                       John 4:14

Donate today and change a life

Amigos Internacionales is urgently seeking funds to drill wells in communities in need to provide disease-free water. Our water project focuses on helping vulnerable children around the world. Our mission includes providing education, building schools, and sponsoring children. Your support is crucial in ensuring access to clean water, a basic human right that can transform lives. Join us in making a lasting impact by donating today.


Join us in giving life sustaining water!

Over 3 million people receiving life-saving water each year

Before and After - Real Hope, Real change

Try our Water Well Calculator:

         Your dollar's impact per month.

Dollar Amount Water served per month
$1 6 people each month
$10 57 people each month
$25 141 people each month
$50 283 people each month
$100 565 people each month
$500 2825 People each month
A visa mastercard discover and american express logo

Our Missionpoint model in Ogul Village, Uganda

Our Missionpoint Pastors

Country Pastor Church Village Conversions-2024
1 Uganda Pastor Santo Agape Baptist Church Ogul Village, UG 302
2 Uganda Pastor Martin Agape BC -Pawik Pawik, UG 304
3 Uganda Pastor Robert Agape BC -Padibe Padibe, UG 159
4 Uganda Pastor Samson Odube Village BC Odibe Village, UG 342
5 Uganda Pastor Livingston Palabek BC Palabek, UG 164
6 Uganda New Work Awyee Awyee Border, UG 0
7 Uganda Pastor Patrick Looyo Boo Looyo Boo, UG 5
8 Uganda Pastor Patrick Dila Baptist Church Burpong, UG 271
Uganda New Work Zion Baptist Church Lamwo, UG 149
9 Tanzania Pastor Jacob New Harvest Church Chibe, TZ 147
10 Tanzania Pastor Elisha Ihapa Baptist Church Ihapa, TZ 113
11 Tanzania Pastor Nyagawa New Life Church Bubiki, TZ 74
12 Tanzania Pastor Adam Sayu Baptist Church Sayu, TZ 190
13 Tanzania New Work New Harvest -Ngunga Ngunga, TZ 14
14 Tanzania Pastor Edward Mwamadilanha BC Mwamadilanha, TZ 151
15 Tanzania Pastor Macibia CME Church Pandagichiza, TZ 96
16 Tanzania Pastor Macala Sayun Baptist Church Sayun, TZ 69
17 Tanzania Pastor Msopa Ngendegese BC Ngendegese, TZ 217
18 Tanzania Pastor Masumga Ibinzamata St TAG Old Shinyaga, TZ 42
19 Tanzania Pastor Kasala Sayuni Victory Church Kagongwa, TZ 56
20 Tanzania Pastor Nhende Didia Baptist Church Didia, TZ 89
Total Conversions Jan-Sept 2024 2954

Bible Distribution

We are collecting donations to purchase and distribute Bibles in our Missionpoint churches in the villagers native language.  The Bibles are $10 each and our goal for this Spring is 200 Bibles for our churches.   Please consider this gift of God's Word to His people and give freely!

A book titled agano jipya by toleo la awali
Give a Bible Today

Click to view our missionpoint blogs.

Stories of real lives, being changed by God's grace.

A poster for amigos mission in motion shows a girl holding a cup


Children fully sponsored children in Africa


Children in our schools across Uganda


Meals Amigos provides every year to people in need


Countries We Have Served

57 (since 1967)

Years of serving vulnerable children globally.


Children Fed Each Day in Third-World Countries

Donor Reviews

  • A group of people standing next to each other with the words amigos internationales is getting it done

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  • A picture of a woman holding a baby and a quote from lauren b.

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  • A group of children sitting on the ground with a quote from clay b

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  • A group of children are standing in front of a house.

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  • Before and After Sponsorship 2

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  • A picture of children on a swing set with a quote from debbie r.

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Amigos is dedicated to constructing new schools in Uganda and Tanzania, actively working towards improving educational opportunities in these regions. Focusing primarily on vulnerable children, we seek to give these children every opportunity.



Open Hands:  266

Far Vision:  50

Harvest of Hope: 65

Disaster Aid

During's most critical moments, Amigos has consistently risen to the occasion, lending a helping hand. Whether it was in Japan, Iran, or Latin America, Amigos has been unfailingly answered the call for assistance, providing aid and support.

Who We Are


Guatemalan Volcano: 516,000 meals

2023 Syria Earthquake: 100,000 Blankets

Food Relief

The profound issue of food scarcity in the world results in systemic malnutrition, perpetuating a cycle of lifelong learning and physical disabilities.  We are growing gardens and fighting food insecurity every place we go.

Food Insecurity

2023  - Feeding Program

Guatemala:  470,000 meals

Since 2002 almost 300 million lbs of food distributed

Education Sponsors

Children who have faced educational deprivation as a result of economic challenges, the effects of AIDS, and the traumas of war are now being given an opportunity for a second chance to pursue a path toward a prosperous and meaningful life!

Child Sponsors

2023 - Sponsorship

65 Children to be sponsored

29 Sponsored Children in Africa

Amigos Internacionales Motto:

Because every child...

is a person of value,

has unlimited potential, and

can contribute to make their world better...

Amigos will...

feed them when they are hungry,

give water when they thirst, and

teach them to be the best they can be!

Amigos' guiding principle:

7 “If among you, one of your brothers should become poor, in any of your towns within your land that the Lord your God is giving you, you shall not harden your heart or shut your hand against your poor brother, 8 but you shall open your hand to him and lend him sufficient for his need, whatever it may be. 10 You shall give to him freely, and your heart shall not be grudging when you give to him, because for this the Lord your God will bless you in all your work and in all that you undertake.

Deuteronomy 15:7,8,10

Schedule Michael to speak to your group or organization.

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Media Kit

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